Once you’ve hired a new team member, the orientation process begins. Not only do they need to be acquainted with their particular job but also with the company. They can focus on their duties better when the preliminaries are out of the way.

Move Steady but Consistently

Getting a new hire, up to speed, will mean showing them how to navigate their workplace. Once they are introduced to the process, they can train to become as proficient as current employees.

The idea is to keep them moving. Feedback from them and meetings with you both help with assessing how well they are adjusting. Review any processes that are unclear and move through those they seem to pick up quickly.

7 Steps to Training your New Team Member

Here are seven ways you can be of assistance to your new team member.

  1. Describe orientation – The first couple of days may entail meeting with human resources to sign documents. Then they may meet with the benefits coordinator. After, it may be time to meet with you in order to go over specific job requirements. Whatever the process may be, make sure that it is understood by the new team member.
  2. Complete all paperwork – This is a necessary evil in any company. Tax documents need to be filled out and confidentiality agreements signed. Use a checklist if you need to ensure that the team member completes everything.
  3. Review benefits – That includes accrual of vacation time, scheduling vacation, sick days, work hours, overtime policy, salary, requisitioning office supplies, using office equipment, email system and more. Each of these items may be spelled out in a written company policy. Make sure the employee has read and received a copy of these documents.
  4. Company information – Most companies have a booklet or handbook that describes everything an employee needs to know about the organization. This includes a general hierarchy chart, company history, office directory (including extension numbers) and other resources.
  5. Company policies – Review all important company policies with new team members. This includes but is not limited to, sexual harassment; sick day policy, confidentiality, dress code, morality policies and etc. always ask if the employee has any questions. Clarify any issues that may arise.
  6. Tour the campus – This includes their work area, cafeteria or office break room, bathrooms, executive offices, meeting rooms, other buildings, every department and parking areas.
  7. Introductions – Last, but not least, introduce your new team member to other team members. This can be done in a formal meeting where they are introduced to other employees within their department. As you pass through each department, however, it is a good idea to introduce them at least to the manager.

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