This week, let’s tackle something we all struggle with—overwhelm.

Whether you’re running a business or managing a team, the constant juggle of tasks can erode your confidence and leave you feeling drained.

But here’s the good news—you don’t have to do it all.

Below I’m sharing powerful strategies on how to overcome overwhelm, delegate effectively, especially hiring the right Virtual Assistant, and transform your business to give you back your time.

Imagine focusing on what truly matters and watching your business thrive!

Let’s dive into this week’s tips, tools, and upcoming trainings to help you lead with confidence and joy.

Fun and Joy Highlights

More music on the horizon 🎸

I’ve teamed up with a talented new guitarist, and together, we’ve crafted an exciting song list. We’re polishing it up, and come October, we’ll be gigging across Southwest Florida! Can’t wait to hit the stage and share our music with the world. 🎶 Want updates on my music? Click here.

365 Days of Spanish! ¡Sí se puede!

After a full year of practice on DuoLingo, I’m not fluent yet, but I can hold simple conversations. If I ever find myself in a Spanish-speaking country, I’ll definitely survive! 💬🎉 Here’s to continuing the journey!

Business and Social Updates

AI-Powered Productivity Tips 💡

I had a fantastic time speaking at SCORE Orlando about how to Increase Profits, Reclaim Time, and Boost Productivity with AI. If you missed the live session and want the recording, let me know and I’ll send it your way!

Leadership is Dead (Or is it?)

In one of my recent social posts, I challenged the idea that leadership, as we know it, is outdated. Most of us have experienced leadership based on old models that are simply not working anymore. It’s time for a reboot! Check out my thoughts and join the conversation here.

Tools I Love

Scale and Succeed Toolkit

Ready to scale your business with ease?

My Scale and Succeed Toolkit offers a complete roadmap to build systems and strategies that grow your business without the overwhelm. Check it out and grab your copy here. 🎯

AI Action Accelerator

Feeling stuck or overwhelmed? The AI Action Accelerator is your go-to tool for creating personalized, step-by-step action plans in seconds. It’s designed to help you tackle tasks with confidence and clarity. See it in action here!

Tips to Make it All Easier

Ready to Overcome Overwhelm? Here’s How to Reclaim Your Time and Sanity!

Ever feel like your to-do list is just laughing at you? 😅

In this video, I share 5 powerful tips to help you reclaim your time by delegating tasks and hiring the right Virtual Assistant.

Watch it now and get started on reducing your workload here.

If you’re ready for freedom, drop “FREEDOM” here!

Why AI Won’t Steal Your Voice: Overcoming Content Creation Fears

Worried about AI taking over your content? Fear not, gentle reader.

This short video dives into how AI can complement your authentic voice, boosting creativity rather than replacing it. If you’re ready to reclaim your time without losing your voice, drop “AIVOICE” here!

Upcoming Workshops, Summits & Retreats

LIVE How Hiring a Virtual Assistant Can Be Your Secret Weapon!</h3 >

Date: September 19, 2024, 3:30 PM Eastern

Feeling like you’re juggling too many tasks and about to drop the ball?

In this live training, you’ll discover 5 essential tips to overcome overwhelm and regain your confidence by hiring the right Virtual Assistant.  Join here to attend for free.

Time Boost! Free Up 4+ Hours of Your Week by Unlocking Your Team’s True Productivity (Without Spending More Money or Being a Dictator)

Date: October 18, 2024, 2pm Eastern

Discover how to unlock your team’s productivity and overcome overwhelm by freeing up 4 or more hours each week!  Don’t miss out—Limited seats available. Grab yours here now.

Shine Brightly,

PS: If you’re ready to free up some of your time and boost productivity, don’t miss my upcoming Time Boost Training on October 18th!

Reserve your spot here and start unlocking your team’s potential. 🎉