The Interviewing for Talent Model

The Interviewing for Talent Model

Yes, there is an art to the interviewing process. You can become just as nervous as the candidate in the time leading up to that initial important meeting. Put your candidate at ease by making yourself familiar with the process. Learn the steps of the model. That...
The Art of Interviewing for Talent

The Art of Interviewing for Talent

We have previously said that interviewing is an art form. It takes just as much skill on the part of the interviewer as it does for the interviewee. Let’s look at this a bit more. Pulled in too Many Directions How often have you scheduled interviews in the middle of a...
Getting your Team Member Focused Fast

Getting your Team Member Focused Fast

Think of each member of a company as a piece of a puzzle. With each piece you get a small glimpse into the image that makes up the entire puzzle. When each person is positioned just so, the picture becomes clear enough for everyone to see. This is the objective in...