Big News & Big Changes

Big News & Big Changes

After an amazing 5+ years, Deanna Maio Coaching & Consulting is OVER!  Keep reading to find out all about my new brand, and a special thank you gift I want to give you for going on this journey with me.(The gift will be available tomorrow, Tuesday at 10 a.m....
Three Simple Techniques to Manage Stress

Three Simple Techniques to Manage Stress

Stress can kill you. Most people think this is stretching the truth a bit, but it is not. Stress causes unhealthy changes in your body. Manage stress before it gets out of hand with these three simple techniques. Stress is our response to outside forces exerted on us....
SWOT: A Classic Yet Effective Tool

SWOT: A Classic Yet Effective Tool

Every MBA student will have studied SWOT at some point. SWOT, or “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats” is a classical yet still effective tool for analyzing competition and your business. By doing a SWOT analysis, you can analyze your business...