The quality and skill of the manager is reflected in the team that works with them. What type of manager are you? If you are not making the most of delegation, then there is definitely room for improvement. Here are four questions to ask yourself to make the best use of the delegation tool to grow your team.


Managers are expected to produce results. A good manager can improve on their previous performance by finishing projects quicker so that more work can be handled. This involves the art of delegation. Resist the urge to “be in control” all the time and learn to take control of the team. Meeting the needs of the group helps everyone grow. The manager of a strong, successful team is one who:

  • Recognizes the needs of the entire team
  • Strives to meet those needs, addressing any issues along the way and guiding each member that has need
  • Plays to the strengths to get various aspects of the project done
  • Understands the delegation process (and performs it masterfully)

The power of a manager lies not in keeping every project to themselves but in recognizing the gold mine that is their team and tapping it in the right place every time.

What Questions are you Asking?

When utilizing your team consider Personal Quality Improvement – PQI. As a leader and manager, it is your job to grow a team of leaders with the skills to get any project completed on time. Think of yourself as a tree. Are you the type to overshadow the younger saplings and stunt their growth by blocking the sunlight or will you allow the light to shine on everyone around so they grow as tall as you?

Here are some questions to ask when deciding to delegate various project tasks.

Do I know what new responsibilities each of my employees needs in order to grow? – Get to know the strengths and weaknesses of each person on your team. It makes it easier to assess who is right for which task.

  1. Do I inspire my employees by explaining the benefits to them of the tasks I assign? – If you are excited about the opportunities of the new project then your team will be as well. If you assign a task based on their strengths, tell them so. Maybe you are trying to bring them out of their comfort zone by cultivating a new skill. Let them know you are confident in their ability to handle it.
  2. Do I guide my employees in completing tasks without stepping on their toes? – Micromanaging is not necessary when you know the people on your team. Stay available and in regular communication but avoid any unsolicited advice. Allow them to learn their own way of tackling challenges.
  3. Do I delegate fairly and without favoritism? – Offering opportunities to the same members all the time undermines the confidence of the rest of the team and can cause resentments.

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