There is a process to delegation. Using the process can bring some spectacular results when followed regularly. As a manager, become familiar with these steps for smarter delegation decisions.

If it’s so Easy, Why isn’t everyone Doing it?

That’s the question for managers today. Why aren’t more managers delegating if it brings such great benefits for the company and the managers themselves? There are a variety of reasons ranging from not knowing the process to not taking the time to learn it to the unknown factor. The “unknown factor” could be a fear of poor results to personal reasons for not wanting to relinquish control of the project.

Understanding the steps of the delegation process can reduce the anxiety managers have over the idea of sharing the work. So, we are going to make it easier still by revealing the steps.

5 Steps to the Delegating Process

  1. Deciding what to delegate – This is always the hardest part, made harder when the manager doesn’t want to share. To deal with project “separation anxiety,” ask yourself two questions: What tasks are unequivocally my job and need to be handled by me? What tasks can be passed on to my staff for completion? Each project results in different people being delegated different tasks based on the scope of the job at hand.
  2. Selecting the Person to Delegate to – Now that you have a list of the tasks for delegation, it’s time to choose a person or persons for each task. It’s not always about picking the “go-to guy.” You are developing a well-rounded team here. Consider how the entire team can be utilized best for greater efficiency. Consider who is underutilized, who needs more skill building, who could benefit from a new project (morale booster), who has experience already and who shows interest in wanting more to do.
  3. Communicating the Delegation – Now it’s time to tell each team member what you are assigning them on the project. Explain what you expect from them as well as the benefits of this assignment for them and the company. Involve the employee in the assignment. Ask for their input and address any questions they may have about the task. Get a firm commitment from them that they know the plan and are ready to proceed.
  4. Following up after Delegation – Stay in communication with your team members. Choose regular meeting times to make sure they are on task. Resist the urge to interfere in the methods that the employee is using if they are different from yours. Let them know you want to be apprised of issues as they arise to avoid problems at the end.
  5. Wrapping up after a Delegation – Now that the task is completed, it’s time for a debriefing. Assess the performance of each team member, including a performance review, critique and praise and plans for future work.

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